
Thankful Thoughts

During this time of year, Stoltenberg Consulting celebrates the things we are thankful for, including our clients who are like family to us, the opportunity to make a difference in healthcare, and our supportive families and friends.

This week, our executive team members have been taking some time to reflect on their blessings. A few have shared their personal thoughts of gratitude below:

"I am thankful for my blessings of family, home and health. May we all say a special prayer for those affected by the tragedies of the California wildfires. Our hearts are with them this holiday season."

-Jonce Smith
Vice President of Revenue Cycle Management

"The Monday before Thanksgiving last year, I went through emergency open heart surgery. It was a profound experience as I witnessed those around me rise up to help me with their love and support. So as Thanksgiving approaches, what I have and what I eat mean much less this year. What I focus on is my gratitude to those in my life who continually surround me with love and with joy. It is truly all those people that I give thanks for. And I know that not all are as fortunate as I am. Therefore, I will remember that there is no act of kindness that is too small or too big. God Bless."

-Tim McKeough
Vice President of Business Development

"This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for so many things- my family, my friends, my home, my job and coworkers -but I'm most thankful for the time I get to spend with those I love, making memories that will last a lifetime."

-Melanie Streeter

As you reflect on the past year, what are you most thankful for this holiday season?

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