
Two Ways to Make A Community Outreach Impact at CHIME Fall Forum

Each year the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) CIO Forums provide meaningful educational programming along with face-to-face industry collaboration and professional development for healthcare IT executives to improve quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of healthcare through evolving technologies. On top of the full schedule of track session education, Foundation firm focus groups and conference networking events, Fall Forum 2018 offers two unique opportunities for community outreach- The Giving Back/ CHIME Community Service and Women of CHIME events.

  1. Giving Back Event - Taking place Tuesday afternoon, October 30, this year's CHIME Community Service event focuses on the ongoing opioid crisis plaguing the country, with specific outreach for the Fall Forum host city- the San Diego community. Help create custom care packages with inspirational messages for opioid recovery patients. All attendees can also participate in an overdose prevention and response training session led by A New PATH, a San Diego non-profit addiction awareness and education advocacy organization.

  2. Women of CHIME Events - Fall Forum 2018 offers several opportunities to connect with the Women of CHIME group for peer support and networking to encourage the advancement of women in HIT executive leadership. On Monday, October 29 at 3:30 p.m., join the afternoon paint and pour activity for laid-back fun to jumpstart the conference. On Tuesday, October 30 at 4 p.m., attend the Women of CHIME afternoon tea. Then on Wednesday, October 31 at 2 p.m., connect with collegiate women from San Diego's HAHN School of Nursing and Health Science's graduate informatics program to share in-person industry insight, career advice and executive mentorship toward their developing HIT career paths.

Stoltenberg Consulting is incredibly honored to sponsor both the Giving Back and Women of CHIME events for Fall Forum 2018. As an 11-year CHIME Foundation firm, we're committed to helping the organization make significant progress for underserved communities within the healthcare and HIT industries. Join us in making a difference this year. Mark your Fall Forum calendar for these healthcare information management events.