
The Stoltenberg Blog

Healthcare IT insights for competitive value-based care strategy

Four Considerations for Implementing Workplace Flexibility: Part II

By Shana Tachikawa

Part I of this two-part series addressed flex work hours, remote work and staff retention as considerations for workplace flexibility in the healthcare industry. As the industry becomes increasingly limited for qualified resources amidst baby boomer retirement and more competitive hiring, look to these final considerations for mutually-beneficial employment best practices.

Short-term staffing. Freelancing, consulting, and short-term project work are ideal options for employees seeking better work-life balance on their terms. For short-staffed health IT departments, utilizing these resource options is highly cost-effective for short-term critical events, such as an EHR go-live or system upgrade.

In many cases these professionals can work remotely, saving hospitals transportation costs or the need for physical workspace in limited areas, such as a go-live command center.

Long-term strategy. Today's employees are more invested in positions and employers that enhance their quality of life. As a competitive employer, consider these long-term strategic tips for workplace flexibilities:

  • Make if fair. Workplace leniencies cannot apply to a select few. Animosity and resentment can grow among employees if only some gain flexibilities.

  • Find the right fit. Realistically assess the company culture and employee workload beforehand to offer flexibility that will truly be utilized. For example, the mere presence of a ping-pong table in the breakroom does not mean a company is automatically deemed a "great employer." If the workload is too high, no one will take advantages of workplace perks such as these.

  • Enable accountability. Whether utilizing flex-hour or remote-work options, employees can still be transparent in their daily work through weekly time and expense sheets or project reports.

  • Spread the word. In many cases, staff do not actually know their employment benefits package beyond vacation time and pay. Provide a clear explanation of benefits to all new employees, and distribute reminder documentation each year to existing employees.

No matter what workplace flexibility policies your organization offers, keep in mind that meaningful relationships and a sense of employee value ensures staff engagement and empowerment. Carefully weigh benefits options while assessing which best match your organization's culture, client or patient needs, and strategic direction.

For more healthcare and health IT leadership insight, check out additional Stoltenberg Blog posts.