
The Stoltenberg Blog

Healthcare IT insights for competitive value-based care strategy

CEO Sheri Stoltenberg is honored as a Diversity Journal Woman Worth Watching

By Stoltenberg Consulting

Congratulations to CEO Sheri Stoltenberg on being selected as a honoree in the Diversity Journal's Women Worth Watching award supplement.

As stated by publisher James R. Rector, "It is important to reflect on what this means: there is an overwhelming desire for business people and companies to not only celebrate diversity and inclusion but to share and pay forward to those following in their footsteps. The women executives featured in the Women Worth Watching feature were all nominated by their peers at their organizations. All the women prepared a personal essay acknowledging who and what contributed to their success and their universal attitude of helping other women in the pipeline."

Within the issue, Sheri says of her personal business success, "In all honesty, I don't look at business success in terms of men versus women in the industry. It's not that I haven't experienced the many obstacles that other women have, but in my mind, that's old news. Instead, I focus on how to be the best for my clients and employees in an often-brutal industry... Stay grounded, remain focused, and be able to reinvent your company and self."

Stoltenberg wishes warm congrats to all of the women honored and thanks its loyal employees and customers for the continued mutually beneficial relationships.

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